Analysing the quality of sustainable power supply commitments

The good, the bad and the in-between of financial institutions’ sustainable power supply commitments


banks assessed have a sustainable power financial target.


banks assessed disclose their energy supply financing ratio.


of the banks assessed correctly defines sustainable power.


of the banks assessed still finance fossil-fired power expansion.

Why track sustainable power policies?

According to the International Energy Agency’s Net Zero Emissions scenario to limit global warming to less than 1.5°C, annual investments in the transformation of the power supply system need to be six times greater that investments in fossil fuels by 2030 to achieve net zero by 2050. In that context, banks can play a major role in the transition by supporting the decarbonization of power supply with two levers:

  • Massively increase financial flows for a new sustainable power system, mainly based on wind and solar.
  • Immediately stop financing fossil fuel expansion and support a phase out of the coal, oil and gas sectors.

The Sustainable Power Policy Tracker is designed to track the commitments adopted by the top 60 banks worldwide regarding their support for sustainable power supply. It evaluates and compares these commitments, identifies loopholes and promotes good practice. Its primary objective is simple: to ensure that banks are adopting the necessary commitments on sustainable power supply to effectively contribute to achieve the 1.5°C climate goal.

How to use the tracker?

Last policy update: October 2024 with 60 banks assessed.

This financial institution demonstrates some of the best practices with the adoption of robust commitments to the energy transition

Reclaim Finance could not give a definite score and have contacted the financial institution for clarification.

Restrictions for coal power expansion.

Restrictions for gas power expansion.

How to read the results?

The other trackers